Community Centre Leadership Training

Here are some useful resources to help you run and manage your Community Centre and train your volunteers.

Orientation Sessions
for Community Centre Boards

If you're a new President of a Community Centre with a relatively new Board, you may wish to book an Orientation Session with GCWCC.

You, as a volunteer Board of a Community Centre, are responsible for overseeing the organization's operations while maintaining a commitment to the organization's mission statement. This involves establishing the organization's strategic direction, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and keeping the organization financially healthy.

Components of the orientation session include:

  • Fiduciary Responsibilities of a Board Member
  • Board's Responsibility for Financial Oversight
  • Risk Management and Directors' and Officers' Insurance
  • Strategic Planning
  • Board Evaluation

We can adapt the agenda to meet your Centre's needs. We encourage all Community Centres to book a session (typically 1-1/2 hours) for your Board of Directors.

For more information or to book a session, contact Lora Meseman or call 204.475.5008.

Contact Us

Operation/ Management Support

GCWCC Accountability Manual

A comprehensive guide to assist volunteers and staff in the day to day operations of the Community Centre. Includes all forms and a list of responsibilities for both the Community Centre and the City of Winnipeg. Please click here for more details

Please see the appendices here


The new document was formally approved in 2019. This is also included in the Accountability Manual.

Safety Manual

GCWCC is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all Community Centre workers, and the Safety Manual supports this goal. Includes appendices and all forms. Please click here for details

Safe Work Practices for Confined Spaces, click here.

Handling Needles and Sharps, click here.

Propane Handling Procedures - Here

Safety Manual Appendices: Please see the appendices here

Food Handler's Training Program

Most Community Centres are required to have at least one person with Food Handler's Training certification. For more information, note that currently in-person training is not available but see the list of private contracts offering online training click here.

Background Check Form Setup

If you require an Enhanced Police Information Check (E-PIC), MyBackCheck is a convenient and economical alternative to going through the local police. To set up your Community Centre account to use background check forms please contact our office at

Vulnerable Sector Screening Document

This is an optional tool for Community Centres who wish to develop a screening policy for their Centres. Visit the Winnipeg Police Service to perform a Vulnerable Sector Search for the city of Winnipeg. For a copy of the template, please click here

Child Abuse Registry Check

The Provincial Child Abuse Registry Check office has determined that GCWCC no longer meets their criteria to do Child Abuse Registry checks.  As a Community Centre, you will now be responsible to get your own access number and send in your own Registry application. 

​If you do not have your access number, please contact the Registry office by email Should you have any questions please visit their website  


City of Winnipeg Garbage Collection

The City of Winnipeg will provide bin pick up, free of charge, as long as the Community Centre provides the bin and fills out a Small Business Application. Learn more here. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Manitoba Accessibility Legislation

As of November 1, 2018, all organizations with at least one employee must train employees and volunteers who create policies, manage, supervise or directly provide customer service..The Disabilities Issues Office has provided free online training on how to provide accessible customer service.  To access other tools, such as the Employers’ Handbook, Sample Accessible Customer Service Policy, or Tips for Employees, please visit on  To ensure employee safety, by May 1, 2022, all Manitoba employers with one or more employees must have:

  • plans to provide individualized emergency response information to keep employees with disabilities safe; and,

  • permission from all employees who require assistance during an emergency to share that information with other individuals in the organization who have agreed to provide support.

The Workplace Emergency Response Information Toolkit includes more information and a sample template to get you started.

Cannabis and the Workplace

The City of Winnipeg Community Centres are committed to provide a safe, healthy and productive workplace where employees, volunteers and the general public are protected from the effects of substance use and chemical impairment. Cannabis Policy.

Permit Process for Tractors Used for Off-site Maintenance

Currently, there is a separate permit for winter equipment and summer equipment.

Summer equipment used for off-site Athletic Field Maintenance permit application. Note, fixed deck mowers must still be trailered.

Winter equipment used for off-site snow clearing and ice maintenance permit application.

Off-Leash Dog Parks

Off-Leash Dog Parks - should a Centre or a resident in your area wish to designate one or more outdoor rink as a seasonal, off-leash dog park, contact us about the process. Visit the City of Winnipeg website here to learn more.


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